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The main goal of the PS CIOFF Polish Dance Committee is to popularize and disseminate Polish national dances in the country and abroad and to awaken the ambition and need to dance them. Creating opportunities for children, teenagers and adults to actively spend their free time by participating in activities aimed at cultivating Polish dance traditions and protecting cultural heritage.
The most active field of the Commission's activity is supporting and active involvement in disseminating the idea of Polish dances by establishing Polish dance clubs and organizing Polish dance competitions and tournaments on a national and regional scale. An important activity of the Commission in the promotion of Polish national dances is also the co-organization of training for teachers and dance instructors as well as scientific and training conferences in the field of Polish national dances.


The main activities of the PS CIOFF Polish Dance Committee are:

Polish dance competitions and tournaments
National and regional dance events taking place throughout the country, organized by institutions, organizations and song and dance groups. The Commission provides substantive patronage over approximately 12 events of this type each year.


Polish Championships in Polish Dances
The most important and largest event of this type in Poland, which brings together the best Polish dance dancers operating on a daily basis in Polish dance clubs and dance groups dealing with Polish dance. As part of the Polish Championships, accompanying events are organized, including dance workshops and a scientific conference.


Conference of the Commission for Polish Dances
An annual meeting of judges, instructors and organizers of Polish dance tournaments, which is a platform for exchanging experiences in the development of the Polish dance movement and its promotion. The conference is also an opportunity to conduct workshops to improve the competences and qualifications of staff related to the Polish dance movement.


Workshops and training
Workshops and training for teachers, dance instructors and dancers in the field of Polish dances organized in cooperation with the PS CIOFF Education Committee and other organizations.


Jan Galasinski

Chairman of the TP Committee


Darius Skrzydlewski

Member of the TP committee


Anna Teperek

Deputy Chairman of the TP Commission


Grzegorz Rogacki

Member of the TP Committee


Norbert Poźniewski

Member of the TP Committee

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Anna Gryszun

Member of the TP Committee


Monica Hildebrand


We invite you to contact us and cooperate with us!




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Contact us!

In matters related to the activities of the Polish Section of CIOFF®We are at your disposal.

Stowarzyszenie - Polska Sekcja CIOFF®

Al. KEN 46/55, 02-797 Warszawa

tel. +48 509 854 255

NIP 9512003360

Nr konta:

Santander Bank Polska. S.A. O/Warszawa

85 1500 1777 1219 1032 7266 0000

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