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The Association - Polish Section CIOFF®  publishes a series of publications Cultural Heritage with considerable assistance from the Ministry of National Education and Sport and the Ministry of Culture.


"Cultural Heritage" Publishing Series

Zofia Stęszewska(selection and development)

An anthology of 47 mazuras, selected from the musical sources of the 19th century - the period of the greatest popularity of this dance in its functional and artistic form. The basis for the selection of musical material are the mazurkas preserved in Polish archives and libraries in their functional form, and not those composed in terms of artistic music. A division into musical themes was also introduced, presenting two versions of the mazur: ułański and noble. The main goal of the anthology is to present and popularize inaccessible, in a compact sense, source materials. Repertoire and source help for managers of folk bands and authors of instrumental arrangements.

"Cultural Heritage" Publishing Series, Volume II

Jan Łosakiewicz, Jarosław Wojciechowski

A methodical and training publication. The material contained therein was prepared on the basis of two important works on the mazur: "Mazur and its rules" and 150 mazur figures; by Karol Mestenhauser, included in the "School of Dance part III, ed. Gebethner and Wolff, Warsaw 1901 and Polish national dances - systematics" by Czesław Sroka, publ. I, COMUK, Warsaw 1990.
Prepared for choreographers, instructors and teachers conducting Polish dance classes and lessons in amateur and professional teams and schools. It contains an analysis of dance steps and figures, as well as a systematic of steps and dance figures within one pair, as well as pair-team figures for four and six pairs by. Karol Mestenhauser with the author's correction of their descriptions.


Cultural Heritage Publishing Series, Volume III

Jan Łosakiewicz, Jarosław Wojciechowski

The second part of the publication was included in the third volume of the "Dziedzictwo Kultury" publishing series. It is a continuation in the form of methodological and training descriptions of the mazurka figures of pairs and groups for irregular compositions of 8, 12 and 16 pairs. Similarly to part I - the publication is addressed to all those who teach dance.

"Cultural Heritage" Publishing Series, Volume IV

Zofia Stęszewska(selection and development)

The anthology is a selection of 36 pieces of music - polonaises, representative of various historical periods. The author has made a selection and compilation of the extensive musical material that she has collected as a result of many years of research of libraries and archives not only in Poland, but also in Poland. also Swedish and German. in the introduction she made an attempt to classify polonaises. The publication is intended mainly for dance groups that present national dances in their repertoire. It is a valuable support and source material for music band managers and authors of instrumental arrangements.
It is the second publication by this author in this series in the form of an anthology of musical themes of Polish dances. Unfortunately, this is the last, posthumous edition, as Zofia Stęszewska died in 1999. It should be mentioned that by overcoming many difficulties, through meticulous research, she created an invaluable thematic and source base. She was a member of the PS CIOFF® Folklore Experts Council. As an expert, she made a huge contribution to improving the artistic level of Polish ensembles and showing the values of traditional Polish culture.


"Cultural Heritage" Publishing Series, Volume V

Jadwiga Adamczyk (selected and edited)

Bibliographic study on regionalism. it houses book editions, thematic publications in collective studies, specialist and regional periodicals, thematic magazines, plans and maps, film and audio cassettes. It significantly supplements the list of literature and audio-visual materials included in the author's program by Joanna Angiel and Ewa Repsch "Regional education - cultural heritage in the region", prepared at the request of PS CIOFF® and approved for school use by the decision of the Minister of National Education (DKW 4014-69 / 99) of March 15, 1999.
Publication commissioned by the Ministry of National Education.

"Cultural Heritage" Publishing Series, Volume VI

Jan Brodka (selection and development)

A study by a well-known folk musician, winner of numerous folklore festivals and competitions, creator of musical arrangements for many folk ensembles, an instrumentalist playing on Beskid folk instruments and an artistic director of Żywiec song and dance ensembles. The book is the result of over 30 years of work on collecting, organizing and systematizing authentic recorded repertoire resources, some of which the author obtained as a result of his own research and field research. It is a selection of material useful for the development of stage programs in ensembles and folk bands. Extremely helpful in terms of workshops, because it is carried out by practice and takes into account the specificity of working with this type of team. performed in a close connection of the dances of the region with the musical themes and chants that belong to it.


"Cultural Heritage" Publishing Series, Volume VII


Janusz Chojecki (selected and edited)

The publication is a review of materials in Polish literature as well as music and iconographic sources regarding a very specific and very Polish carnival game of the gentry - sleigh rides. The study contains, in the form of an author's introduction, a description of the sleigh ride (as a game) and reflective afterword, broadly encyclopedic references to the sleigh ride, as well as a review of selected descriptions of the game, recorded in the writings of leading documentalists of Polish customs and customs of the 19th century: Łukasz Gołębiowski, Kazimierz W. Wójcicki and Oskar Kolberg. Also included in the selection, quotations referring to the sleigh ride from belles-lettres - in the period of the 16th-20th centuries. A supplementary list of other materials and sources related to the topic is provided. This book is useful both for those interested in stage development and shows, instructors of dance ensembles and directors. It documents a charming fragment of our national tradition.

"Cultural Heritage" Publishing Series, Volume VIII

Czesław Sroka

According to the author's intention, the book is recommended primarily to teachers and dance instructors who are aware of their educational goals, who, in order to raise the level of contemporary dance and social culture and moral youth, feel the need to teach ballroom dancing, and who encounter great difficulties in this section of their activity in obtaining and selecting appropriate training materials. The book can also be used as a textbook for individual learning.
The publication presents general information about ballroom dancing, highlighting some of its contemporary functions, and the justification for the purposefulness and necessity of Polish national dances during various dance games (mainly school games) and ballroom dancing competitions and tournaments held in Poland.
The five main chapters contain general information about a given dance, musical and movement characteristics with regard to its primary and developmental forms, descriptions of the characteristic settings of a dance pair for individual dances, a description of the technique of performing traditional and proposed dance steps and figures, examples of themes and dance arrangements of varying degrees difficulty, for couples with different levels of advancement.

Ryszard Teperek


"Cultural Heritage" Publishing Series, Volume IX

Ludwik Mordarski and Leszek Mordarski (selected and edited)

Love and respect for native musical traditions were at the basis of the writing of this book. The atmosphere brought by Mr. Ludwik Mordarski from his family home, conducive to the love of music and its beauty, carefully cared for and passed on to the next generation in the family, also supported by talents passed on in the genes of their fathers, resulted in an excellent knowledge of the musical culture of his own region and the passion of a tireless documentalist and popularizer of this music. The melodies that constitute the content of this publication, collected and documented for many years in the villages of the Limanowa Land, are also the life achievements of the authors. Being a unique archival collection of the region's musical achievements, they are also a selection of material useful for the development of stage programs in folk bands and bands.

"Cultural Heritage" Publishing Series, Volume X

Alicja Haszczak (selected and edited)

The publication is the result of many years of research by the author on the dances of the broadly understood region of Lasowiacy. It is a unique, archival collection of dances and accompanying melodies characteristic of this region. In addition to a detailed description of the dance steps and hand layouts in individual dances, it contains references to dance customs and rituals and a description of the Lasowiaks' costume. It is an invaluable choice of material useful for the development of stage programs of folk groups.


"Cultural Heritage" Publishing Series, Volume XI

Przemysław Marcyniak (ed.)

The publication is a collection of popular children's folk songs from 54 countries around the world. Contains sheet music and lyrics in the original languages and English translations.

"Cultural Heritage" Publishing Series, Volume XII

Jerzy Dynia (selection and development)

The publication is the result of many years of documentary research by the author, being a selection of melodies played by rural bands from the Subcarpathian region: whorls, trams, dungeons, oberek and polka. It also contains the original score of Suite Lasowiacka.



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Publications that have not been published by PS CIOFF® and we do not sell them, however, in our opinion, they are worth recommending.

Customs and folk rituals in Żywiecczyzna

Jan Gąsiorek, Marcin Pokusa

The book contains descriptions of the customs and rituals of the entire historical Żywiec region. It is a valuable source of information for folklorists, musicians, choreographers, scientists and every enthusiast of Żywiec folklore. Over 900 pages, hardcover, A4 format, the item includes sheet music examples and color photos. The book was co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage


Rzeszów dances

Alicja Haszczak

It was commissioned by the Association of Friends and Alumni of the Students' Song and Dance Ensemble "Połoniny". Rzeszów 2012.


Dance folklore of Western Greater Poland

Mirosława Bobrowska, Kazimierz Budzik, Bogusław Linette, Sławomir Pawliński

Publisher: Provincial Public Library and Cultural Animation Center, Poznań 2014


Traditional Games and Fun in Greater Poland

Piotr Kulka

Publisher: Provincial Public Library and Cultural Animation Center, Poznań 2015


Let's sing and have fun

Michalina Wojtas

Handbook for instructors and teachers.
Author's introduction.
Contains descriptions of children's games and sheet music.
Publisher: Michalina Wojtas, 2016, publisher I, p. 224
ISBN: 978-83-60900-98-7
Copyright by Michalina Wojtas


Pieniny - Dances of the Pieniny Highlanders

Aniela Krupczyńska, Andrzej Dziedzina-Wiwer, Marian Jarosz, Michalina Wojtas (ed.)

Handbook for instructors of regional teams.
It includes the history of the region, a description of the dances and sheet music.
Publisher: Authors
Nowy Sącz 2016, pub. I, p. 56
ISBN: 978-83-60900-82-6


Lublin dances

Wanda Kaniorowa

The author, widely recognized as an outstanding expert in this region, undertook the pioneering work of comprehensively developing and describing Lublin dances.
The musical side was developed by an equally recognized authority, Aleksander Bryk.
This item is unavailable today, so we are resuming it with the hope that it will be an excellent help for choreographers and instructors leading folklore groups, the more that Lublin dances, melodies and songs are part of the permanent repertoire of many bands in Poland, as well as Polish diaspora.
The publication is a reprint, hence the content and layout of the first (and the only) edition of "Dances of Lublin" have been preserved without any changes.
1st edition of CPARA - Warsaw 1972
Reprint Lublin 2013, Publisher: Song and Dance Ensemble "Lublin", 176 pp


National dance in the Polish canon of culture. Sources, genesis, changes

Tomasz Nowak

The book is an excellently documented story about the sources of dances, included in the 18th century in the canon of Polish national dances, and the changes in this canon and its dances until the end of the 20th century. It discusses the sources describing national dances - both well-known and almost forgotten - points to their social and historical context, their functions, identifies myths, stereotypes and phantasms that have been intertwined with facts in the social consciousness. This book should be in the library of every instructor and lover of Polish dances.
The production of the book was co-financed by the Institute of Musicology of the University of Warsaw.


Szamotuły wedding

Maciej Sierpiński

The album / publication aims to present the cultural richness of the Szamotuły region, which are its traditions, customs and the title Szamotuły Wedding. It was presented for the first time as a show in Szamotuły in 1932. In 1934, the script was published, the reprint of which is added to the publication. It contains the history of the show, general information about folklore and the Szamotuły dialect. The artists and performers of The Szamotuły Wedding from its inception to the present day are also presented. The color photographs show the Szamotuły costumes and their descriptions, as well as fragments of shows that were shown during the jubilees of the "Szamotuły" Folk Group.
An interesting addition is the DVD with the recording of Wesele Szamotulski presented during the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the "Szamotuły" Folk Group in Baborówko in 2015.


Selected aspects of the traditional culture of the Bug River population

Marcin Bochenek, Igor Cieśliński, Ireneusz Chaliburda, Emma Cieślińska

Publisher: Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw; The Department of Physical Education in Biała Podlaska
Biala Podlaska 2008
ISBN 978-83-923666-9-0


"Folk and bourgeois clothes" from the collection of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz

Concept: Joanna Hołda, Text: Maria Brylak-Załuska, Elżbieta Długosz, Jerzy Starzyński

It shows over 100 of the most valuable exhibits from the collection of folk costumes of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz. Contemporary photographs of the exhibits have been juxtaposed with archival photographs of the inhabitants of the Sądecczyzna region in festive costumes and with descriptions of rural clothing left by former researchers of folk culture.
The catalog also includes popular science texts by Maria Brylak-Załuska (The role of archival photography in research on folk costumes), Elżbieta Długosz (In skullcaps and bekies. ).

Preparation of catalog notes: Joanna Hołda, Justyna Stasiek-Harabin
Editing, proofreading: Maria Magdalena Kroh
Photographs of the exhibits: Piotr Droździk
Graphic concept: Kaja Renkas
Format: 21 × 21 cm
Number of pages: 128
Nowy Sącz 2017
ISBN 978-83-89989-83-3
The publication is available at the ticket offices of the branches and branches of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz.



Polish, polonaise, to be used.

Tomasz Nowak

Graphic design: Bartosz Rejmak, Manufaktura Sanok
Publisher: MEMO Foundation (ul. Szkolna 47, Roczyny, 34-120 Andrychów)
ISBN 978-83-950562-1-5
Electronic version available on foundation's website.
The printed version can be obtained by ordering it by e-mail w the MEMO Foundation.


Performativeness of folklore in contemporary culture. A thing about intercultural folklore festivals

Joanna Dziadowiec

The main goal of the book was to investigate to what extent specific, on the one hand staged, on the other hand unreal, festive, ludic and ritualized intercultural folklore practices (stage and behind-the-scenes), taking place in a specially constructed and arranged space, can constitute an interactive response to alienation and alienation. man's passivity in the contemporary world and the lack of feeling that he is part of a community. The results of the author's research have shown that intercultural folklore festivals, as syncretic structural and organizational systems of intangible cultural heritage, have the power of an interactive remedy for excessive individualization on the one hand, and universalisation and unification on the other. By being the postulated bridge between cultures, they can awaken the participants of these events from lethargy and incite them to be active.
The book is a summary of the author's many years of field research conducted in 2006-2011 among participants of 37 European folklore and folk festivals (12 countries) with a broad theoretical part (critical analysis of studies on folklore, tradition and heritage, theories of performance, ludicity, symbolic interactionism, communication intercultural and heritage management). Moreover, the book contains a collection of postulates. Their implementation may contribute to the deepening of multidimensional reflection and discussion on the subject - contrary to appearances, dynamic and variable - matter, and above all to its demythologization, increasing its visibility and awareness of the role and importance of festivals and the folk movement in the international socio-cultural discourse (in the academic debate and in popular culture) mainly in the context of intercultural relations and cooperation in the protection and management of intangible cultural heritage.
The publication is based on the doctoral dissertation, which received the first prize in the competition for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of cultural sciences, organized by the National Center for Culture (11th edition). It has been published both in print and as an e-book (available in online bookstores).


Dance folklore of Podlasie in education

Marcin Bochenek

The dance folklore of Podlasie is an interesting page that was written long ago, and its content is intriguing in many ways. You can be inspired by it, you can rediscover it. To convey in the traditional or more elaborate version "creating" about these events and communities.
The folklore that captivates us in various local variations, old communities and their environment will not return - and this is not what it is all about. We are not able to recreate many elements, but we try not to lose the remaining ones.
The work, which is an important contribution to the cultivation and cultivation of the beautiful folklore of Podlasie, includes theoretical and practical, as well as the results of empirical research, studies and preparations intended for instructors, students, teachers and a wide group of Podlasie folklore enthusiasts.
Podlasie melodies (recorded by Eugeniusz Sokalski, Aleksander Oleszczuk and Zenon Celiński) in an arrangement by Przemysław Marcyniak were recorded in the studio of the Polish Radio, S4 im. Jerzy Wasowski. These recordings, in addition to the publication, can be found on on page  of the Song and Dance Ensemble "Podlasie".
We hope that the outline of Podlasie dances and melodies presented in this way will allow the readers to fully implement this content and, together with the music, inspire them in their didactic work.



Michalina Wojtas

Handbook for instructors of regional teams.
It includes the history of the region, a description of the dances and sheet music.
Nowy Sącz 2020, pub. I, p. 48
ISBN: 978-83-957059-9-1


Przeworskie Dances

Alicja Haszczak

The book contains the characteristics of the region, the characteristics of folk dances, music, costumes and dialect, and a part devoted to the technique of description. In addition, it includes drawings, photos of hand shots, descriptions and drawings of dance steps, sheet music, as well as photos of costumes and patterns.

Publisher: Municipal Cultural Center in Gać,
Gać 2021, p. 309
Author's introduction
ISBN 978-83-959386-1-0


Grażyna Władysława Dąbrowska

Michalina Wojtas

Publishing and Printing House NOVA SANDEC sc
Post mortem publication based on the author's manuscript. Maintaining the original spelling and style.
Nowy Sącz 2021, p. 208
ISBN 978-83-66394-47-6


Krakowiak - A book from a series about Polish national dances

Tomasz Nowak

Graphic design: Bartosz Rejmak
Illustration selection: Regina Pazdur
Proofreading: "Words for a workshop" - language agency, Regina Pazdur
Composition: Maciej Sołtysiak
Publisher: "Memo" Foundation
Printing: Colorful Dizzy, Bielsko-Biała
ISBN 978-83-950562-3-9
Edition I, Roczyn 2020
The electronic version is available on the website of the foundation
The printed version can be obtained by ordering it by e-mail at the MEMO Foundation


MAZURek - A book from a series about Polish national dances

Tomasz Nowak

Graphic design: Bartosz Rejmak
Preparation for printing: Łukasz Gieruszczak
Proofreading: "Words for a workshop" - language agency, Regina Pazdur
PUBLISHER: Foundation "Memo"
ISBN 978-83-950562-5-3
1st edition, Roczyny 2021
The electronic version is available on the website of the foundation
The printed version can be obtained by ordering it by e-mail at the MEMO Foundation


Not so terrible folklore

Aldon Krupa-Gawron

The item is the first part of the scenarios of Silesian artistic programs for children's folklore groups. It will facilitate the introduction of children and young people to the atmosphere and specificity of Silesian culture, customs and dialect.
As brought up in a typical Silesian agricultural family, the author shared her knowledge about the Silesian system of values, work ethos, religiosity, mentality, and culinary customs in the scripts. She also explained the child's place in the family and society, its rights and numerous obligations.
Scenes with songs and dances are ready-made material for a few minutes to be introduced on stage.
In order to facilitate the correct pronunciation of the Silesian dialect and to imitate the specific, somewhat aggressive character of the manner of speaking - the "Raciborzanie" team recorded the mentioned scenes and published them on the YouTube channel.


Contact us!

In matters related to the activities of the Polish Section of CIOFF®We are at your disposal.

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tel. +48 509 854 255

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International Council of Organizations
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